When you select a product, it is very important that you pay attention to the delivery date that is indicated on the "add to order" option, as depending on the product and the time you make the purchase, it can take from 24 to 48 hours to process the order.
If you select products with different delivery dates, it is possible you’ll receive them separately,, which means that your order can have more than one delivery date.
Products are grouped according to their delivery date to form shipments within the same order. They will be shipped separately if the sum of the products in each shipment amounts to the minimum quantity to qualify for free shipping (see conditions: shipping costs). Alternatively, all products will be sent together according to the longer delivery time. If you have selected cash on delivery as your payment method, you will still receive your order according to the longer delivery time.
Every time we ship an order, you’ll be notified by email. If for example your order has two shipments, you will receive two e-mails, the first one notifying you that shipment 1 of 2 has been dispatched and then the second one notifying you that shipment 2 of 2 has been dispatched.